Andreas Horstmann – –
restless – today Unterschleißheim – tomorrow Hydra

During his training as a landscape gardener, Andreas probably unconsciously had his first contact with art at a young age. In the years that followed, he spent an eventful and exciting life in various jobs in Germany – and in a wide variety of African countries such as Libya, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Mali (including Timbuktu).

In 2011, his artistic interest awoke – after suggestions at the Wildkogel Academy in Austria. During this seminar, he got to know artists and a type of abstract painting, among other things. This seminar was followed by others in the following years. In addition, there were workshops in Germany, for example in the Middelmann-Art studio in Munich, the Art-Experimental studio in Luckau and the Annette Predeek studio in Remagen.

As an autodidact, he is always trying out and exploring new paths and techniques for himself in the world of abstract art: Mixed techniques/collages in painting, wood and stone sculptures, combinations of scrap and alluvial wood characterise the versatile artist.

As relatively “new” residents of the island of Hydra, Andreas and his wife Corinne warmly welcome lovers of art and Greek culture to their little nest and outdoor studio.

Andreas’ special bond with the African continent and its people prompted him to be one of the first artists to donate various works of his oeuvre to the good cause of “Art for Africa”.

If you would like to purchase a work of art by Andreas, please contact “">art-for-africa.

  • 2013: Gemeinschaftsausstellung “Art-for-Africa“ in der Kanzlei Stöber, Berlin/Weissensee, Deutschland
  • 2014: Gemeinschaftsausstellung Atelier Galerie TonArt AG, Hombrechtikon, Schweiz
  • 2017: Gemeinschafts- sowie Einzelausstellung in der Melina Mercouri Halle, Hydra, Griechenland
  • 2018: 2 Gemeinschafts- sowie 1 Einzelausstellung in der Melina Mercouri Halle, Hydra, Griechenland
  • 2019 und 2020 aufgrund der Pandemie fanden in der Melina Mercouri Halle keine Ausstellungen statt

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