
The supreme guardian of german culture: Prof. Monika Grütters

Our new ambassador … we are extremely pleased, Prof. Grütters! Thank you very much in the name of international understanding, art and humanity. The artists of our alliance “art for africa” thank you.


Greetings from the Minister of State Prof. Monika Grütters MdB
For the website of the art project “Art for Africa”

Art can contribute to understanding and feeling (Empathy)  with people suffering from hunger, drought, disease and a lack of educational opportunities in a variety of ways. Art can show faces and stories behind sober numbers. Art can make the invisible visible. Art can open up ways of understanding through linguistic and cultural barriers. Art can broaden the boundaries of the imaginable – and thus also the limits of our empathy.

People in Africa need our empathy – and especially concrete help. The art alliance “Art for Africa”, which I like to support, shows that art can also mobilize forces for this. I would like to sincerely thank the participating artists for their great commitment and the willingness to promote humanitarian projects in West Africa through sales revenues.

Prof. Monika Grütters [Foto: Christof Rieken]

I wish them all the best for their common cause of alleviating need and opening up future perspectives!

Prof. Monika Grütters
Kulturstaatsministerin für Kultur und Medien




new artist: Dr. Anne Bartholomaeus

Anne Bartolomaeus

Anne Bartolomaeus

We welcome a new artist to “Art for Africa”: Anne Bartholomaeus from the north, Rostock. Anne donates some of her latest works to “Art for Africa”. Welcome Anne!

Further information on Anne Bartholomaeus.